Essays & Speeches
by Henry Steele Commager
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- Who is Loyal to America? (1947) - PDF: 7MB, 11 pages
- As printed in Freedom, Loyalty, Dissent (1954).
- The Search for a Usable Past (1965) - PDF: 11MB, 13 pages
- As reprinted in the Search for a Usable Past, edited by HSC in 1974.
- The University and the Community of Learning (1971)
- This speech was presented April 10, 1971 in University Auditorium as the main address at dedication ceremonies for the new building of the Kent State University Libraries.
- The Defeat of America (1971) - PDF: 9MB, 12 pages
- As reprinted in Defeat of America (1975).
- Foreign Policy: Outmoded Assumptions (1982) - PDF: 6MB, 9 pages
- As it appeared in the Atlantic Monthly.